eli5: How do jobs like schools background check for degrees and transcripts if they use such outdated technology?


eli5: How do jobs like schools background check for degrees and transcripts if they use such outdated technology?

In: 5

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To start with in most places it is illegal to lie about college transcripts and degrees conferred. However it is not illegal to lie about work history unless it is a regulated profession such as lawyer, doctor, or pharmacist. These lies can be a fine between illegal and not under your local statutes.

A lot of employers just don’t check or follow up on bachelors degrees because it is a hassle. However if they ever find out then they have cause to fire you immediately. Also they’re going to fire you if it is evident you cannot perform the work after you start working. Those that do check will often reach out to the schools offices such as the registrars office. Or they’ll demand official transcripts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To my knowledge, universities are actually pretty up to date on these kinds of things. They have searchable databases where employers can look up graduates to see if they have the degree they claim. I’m pretty sure access to those databases has to be purchased, but that’s a pretty low price to pay to weed out an obvious liar from the application pool.