Eli5 How do lightening rods work?


I understand that they attract lightening so that something else doesn’t get hit. I get that part. But, how does all of the lightening energy still not hurt the roof via the rod?

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The rod channels the electricity from the lightning to a ground material. Maybe the dirt, maybe something on the roof of the building. Either way, the lightning hits the rod and is carried to, and then dumped in, a material it just can’t move through. When it hits that non conductive material, there’s nothing for it to do but dissipate because it can’t go on any further.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lightning rods conduct lightning to ground safely. This keeps the lightning from starting a fire while going through a less super conductor, like wood or wet stone.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a continuous path of low resistance provided from the lightning rod down to the ground. This gives the electricity a path that it will prefer over actually going into any building components.

I smaller buildings this is basically a large copper wire down to ground, in a skyscraper this might be a continuous path of steel columns/welded reinforcement that goes to the foundations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you so much!. Its easy to understand when so easily explained!

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think there is any real solid evidence that they do anything to be honest. We just think they do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s basically connected to a six foot long copper rod that’s driven into the Earth. Hence the term “grounded”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read that lightening originates from the ground and goes up. If that is true, does a rod then direct it back to the ground?