The company’s that everyone knows are MLM trash (HerbaLife, JuicePlus, ect). When I was looking for a job I naively joined a seminar discussing CutCo Knives. Come to find out these dud muffin companies have been around since my mom was growing up, and are somehow still operational? Wouldn’t the BBB or whatever business bureau operates in the US (FTC?) have these scams shut down by now? I understand that new ones are popping up all the time but im referring to the ones that have been around forever now.
In: Economics
You should really [look up regulatory capture]( – the US gov’t agencies tasked with regulating these industries have been ‘captured’ by lobbying efforts and corruption.
Greed and short term gains are what drive the market, and unfortunately there’s an unending supply of gullible people that either can’t or won’t understand they’re the rube. Have you seen the state of politics in the US?
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