Eli5: How do people become pathological liars?


Eli5: How do people become pathological liars?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Childhood trauma. Having to lie to survive, it becomes a survival technique, then becomes second nature.

Often paired with antisocial personality disorder (sociopath) often brought on by the same trauma, a need to disassociate your feelings from the emotions of those around you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They usually become liars due to either not being able to express themselves truly to others, or because of hover parents.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can’t speak to the brain-chemical reasons why some do, but personally, I was close. I grew up with very emotionally crazy home, and lying about nearly everything was the most logical choice to create peace and safety at home. I perfected the ability after years of practice, so I could hardly tell the difference. It seemed more of a perspective than a lie.

It has taken lots of emotional counceling to undo that crazy.