Eli5 How do people get banned from country’s?


I’ve heard people getting banned from country’s and I want to know what you have to do to get banned and how they know you are banned from that country

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9 Answers

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Some places you can’t travel to if you have a criminal record. The UK and the US are among those countries.

In many case especially if two countries don’t have an specific agreements saying otherwise there may be a ton of reason to deny a person entry into a country.

If you are not from a list of countries from which citizens can come to the US Visa-free, you may be denied entry simply for being too poor, being single, being unemployed or having not finished higher education and thus being a theoretical greater risk of overstaying your visa and becoming an illegal immigrant.

US immigration are less concerned about a happily married, middle age business owner going back home after a visit than a poor young single guy without any big roots back home.

Some countries have far more restrictive rules about who can come to visit than others. How and why they limit who can come is usually a result of politics culture and pragmatism.

If you are a poor country that makes a lot of money from tourism, you have other concerns than a rich country that where people fear that foreigners are going to immigrate to if given the chance.

Xenophobia, racism and religious bigotry also tend to play a big role.

Security also factors into it. Even besides the fairly common restriction on convicted criminals people might get banned even just for the suspicion of criminal activity or the fear that someone might cause crime or unrest.

If you get kicked out of a country because you broke a local law you generally won’t be allowed to come back.

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