Eli5: how do People often wake naturally 1 or 2 minutes before their morning alarm ?


It seems scary precise.

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8 Answers

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Your circadian rhythm is pretty powerful, and, more often than not, your brain subconsciously has a pretty good idea of what time it is. When you set your alarm the night before, you’re essentially telling your circadian rhythm that this is the time when you need to wake up. Assuming you’ve given yourself enough time to sleep (multiples of 90 minutes also help make this process smoother), your subconscious will tend to wake you within a few minutes of the time you “told” it to do so.

What I’ll actually do a lot when I don’t NEED to be up at a certain time but rather WANT to is tell myself repeatedly as I’m falling asleep, “I will wake up at x o’clock”, and it has a pretty high rate of success. That being said, I’m speaking purely from anecdotal evidence, and I’ve been using that technique since childhood, so take what I’ve said with a grain of salt. I’m sure there are more scientifically inclined people who could give a more solid answer

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