Eli5 how do people with high school or less than high school educations homeschool their children in high school?


Where I grew up, math and science were mandatory until grade 10 and English until grade 12. I took biology and chemistry into grade 11.

Even still, math required understanding of logarithmic equations in grade 10 and relatively sophisticated understandings of King Lear in grade 12.

I’m wondering how uneducated parents actually go about achieving this. Like how someone with less than a high school education can explain algebra and allegory without extensive supplementary reading?

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6 Answers

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There’s a whole industry around it in America. Very weird science books that dance around evolution.

But America has low standards for a graduate to be proficient in math. Basic arithmetic and some algebra.

Of course home schooled kids tend to be smarter than public school kids. Public schools must educate all kids, including the dumbest.

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