Eli5 how do people with high school or less than high school educations homeschool their children in high school?


Where I grew up, math and science were mandatory until grade 10 and English until grade 12. I took biology and chemistry into grade 11.

Even still, math required understanding of logarithmic equations in grade 10 and relatively sophisticated understandings of King Lear in grade 12.

I’m wondering how uneducated parents actually go about achieving this. Like how someone with less than a high school education can explain algebra and allegory without extensive supplementary reading?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Where I live, I don’t believe there is a true “home school” as in parents teaching and grading. They simply are online students, they take the state’s virtual courses, which regular students can take as well (our state requires 1 semester of a virtual course for graduation). Our county/district also offers eSchool, which is online as well but does have a real teacher attached to it, which has a larger % of enrollment (usually it’s due to medical/personal reasons that the child is not in school, and not because the parent disagrees with the education system, but some of those people do exist).

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