Eli5: How do QR codes work? How does little black lines in a square hold data?


Eli5: How do QR codes work? How does little black lines in a square hold data?

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6 Answers

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https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/12h34tu/eli5_how_do_qr_codes_work/ This one looks good.

As someone else said, the letters you’re seeing as you read this hold data based on the light and dark patterns. QR codes are useful because they’re structured and relatively simple to interpret. (Getting a computer program to tell the difference between 0 and O and o is harder, for example.) The QR pattern is basically “this is the grid we’re looking at, look for dark and light spots here”. It then translates those into zero and ones, and then those zeros and ones can be interpreted as whatever data is needed. Computers treat text as just zeros and ones, not too much unlike saying A is 1, B is 2, etc.

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