Eli5: How do the tiny wheels of airplanes carry it?


They seem to be so small and unstable, thinking about the weight of the airplane, especially filled with passangers and luggage. How do they carry the weight, as well as being able to accelerate and break and everything?

In: 1057

54 Answers

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Planes are light relative to their size. For example an average passenger plane like an Airbus A321 weighs less than a battle tank. They’re designed to be as light as possible for their size because that enables them to carry heavy loads. Their wheels may appear small relative to the rest of the plane but they’re probably the hardiest parts of the whole aircraft. They can take the repeated abuse of take off and landing which produce immense forces. They use hydraulic shock absorbers much like cars but they’re turned up to 11. They’re very thick, very sturdy, and their tires are rated for extreme loads.

They may look small but they’re not.

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