Eli5 How do they build structures in sea? Oil platforms, pipes in deep sea etc…


Eli5 How do they build structures in sea? Oil platforms, pipes in deep sea etc…

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They generally build things on land and then move them into/onto the sea. Oil platforms are largely built on land and dragged onto the sea. Pipes and cables are made on land, assembled on ships, then lowered into the ocean.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s built on land.

Oil rigs are dragged on floats and then filled with concrete

Pipes (such as nordstream) were manufactured in set of pipes, that were assembled on ship and lowered down

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe you mean like bridges and stuff where pillars go deep and you’re like how tf did they build it underwater?

Caseons.. think of a giant pillar with thick walls they lower into the water and stack a few til it reaches the surface. They then can take a pump and pull out all the seawater from the inside and boom.. now they have dry land they can build the actual piles and cap them (the support poles)

So Caseons are the big reason we can do this type of thing. Sorry if that’s not what you were asking, I just noticed the other two answers focused on oil rigs.. which tend to float.