i was watching How It’s made, and there was a dedicated machine for a particular part of the product something as little as a proprietary bottle cap. and it was a huge machine. Who got the time to sit and invent the machine for that little piece. think of the variety of such designs, so does that mean you need a different new machine for any other special design?
also machines that make machines like robot machines making robot machines.
In: 223
This is the exact job of Industrial Engineers and what they spend 4ish years learning to do well. They are trained to determine the best way to manufacture that bottle cap as well as the best way to make the machine that makes the bottle cap. Cause it’s they’re job there really good at the fine details like making the machine as reusable as possible. So if the cap design changes the whole machine can be reused for it. This is heavily part of their job and also why it is it’s own job! I bet a bunch of types of engineers can make a machine that makes that bottle cap, but make a machine that’s cost efficient, repairable, reusable, and the most optimized it can be without sacrificing bottle cap quality? Leave it to the industrial engineers
TLDR: google industrial engineering
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