Eli5: How do they search for the next Dalai Lama?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nah, it’s not a logical process.

By tradition, it’s actually the same Dalai Lama, just reborn into a new body.

The High Lamas of the Gelugpa tradition and the Tibetan government have to look for him in his new body after he dies. It might take a while (this one took four years).

They look for signs, interpret their dreams and so on.

When they find a child of the right age, they will test them to see if they really are the Dalai Lama through tests, such as seeing if they recognise objects which belong to the Dalai Lama.

If there is more than one candidate, then they will draw lots to decide which one is the real Dalai Lama.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Dalai Lama searches out the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama. The Panchen Lama then seeks out the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. It’s a circle. However, there most likely will not be another Dalai Lama. After finding the next Panchen Lama in 1995, the Chinese Government Kidnapped him then appointed their own. So the Dalai Lama has said he will most likely be the end of the cycle unless they find the original Panchen Lama.


Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a number of other Lamas in the Council of Lamas. They are tasked with finding the Dalai Lamas reincarnation. There is no next Dalai Lama, it is the same person just reincarnated over and over. A particular member of the council, Panchen Lama, is in charge of finding this reincarnation. There are various different techniques which have been used to find the Dalai Lama again but this is up to the Lamas and the search is done differently every time.

There is kind of a problem once the current reincarnation of Dalai Lama dies. Tibet is occupied by China who claims they have the responsibility of finding the Dalai Lama again. In 1995 Dalai Lama found the Panchen Lama but the Chinese government claimed he was wrong and pointed to another person as the Panchen Lama. The real Panchen Lama have not been seen again after this incident. Dalai Lama himself have claimed that the people might not want a Dalai Lama to lead them and that he will therefore take the form of an insect upon the next reincarnation.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Sadly, there is a good chance that China will be choosing the next Dalai Lama, and that’ll probably be the last one we ever see.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They set up a non-user friendly platform that makes the applicants upload their CV while also requiring them to type it in manually as well. If you can find the inner peace to complete the process, you are worthy.