eli5: How do things get into orbit?


I know how they stay in orbit but how do random planets and stuff have the exact speed needed to get to orbit? Is it pure chance or some phenomenon that speds them up or slows them down?

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9 Answers

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Assume a small object passing a much larger one in space. When it passes, the larger object’s gravity pulls at the smaller object, trying to drag it down to the surface.

If the smaller object is going too slow to be in an orbit, it falls inward. As it falls, it gains velocity. If it gains enough velocity, it reaches a high enough speed and it is in orbit. If it doesn’t, it falls all the way down onto the larger object.

If the smaller object is going too fast, It flies outward. As it does gravity slows it. If gravity slows it enough, it enters orbit. If gravity doesn’t slow it enough, its velocity is greater than escape velocity and it flies away into space.

So, when it comes to small objects orbiting larger objects, they adjust their speed to enter orbit, fall all the way to the surface, or fly into space.

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