ELI5- how do we identify ancient ruins like did anyone stumble upon the colosseum in the woods or people were used to see some old walls then someone realized this could be the colosseum from olden books! 579 viewsMay 31, 2024EngineeringOther Question100.55K May 31, 2024 0 Comments ELI5- how do we identify ancient ruins like did anyone stumble upon the colosseum in the woods or people were used to see some old walls then someone realized this could be the colosseum from olden books! In: Engineering 5 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted May 31, 2024 0 Comments People lived there. The river flooded, the place got filled with mud, but it was never lost. You are viewing 1 out of 5 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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