Another way to think of it is, we’re *all* moving at the speed of light (or causality). However, your true speed is the sum of your speed through space and that of your speed through time.
The faster you’re moving through time, the slower you’re moving through space.
See, you and I are moving REALLY, REALLY fast through time. We’re moving through time almost as fast as it is possible to do. Thus, our speed in space is actually really slow.
Light is moving as fast as possible through space, thus it doesn’t move AT ALL through time. Time doesn’t pass for the photon.
There’s a curved line on a graph that everything exists upon, as you start going really really fast through space your speed through time starts slowing down more and more, so your spot on the curve shifts but it’s always on that predictable curved line.
So it’s kind of like there is just THE “speed” and it’s all a question of what the ratio between your time speed and your space speed is.
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