eli5 How do we see so far into space? Wouldn’t stars block each other in front of the “camera”?


I imagine it like looking at a a forest, you see the first couple trees very clear, and the farther you look into the forest you see less and less trees, because the view is blocked? So how can we see stars so far deep into space? Wouldn’t the stars block each others view?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wow, I’m high and have gone down a rabbit hole on this one.

Currently tripping trying to work out:
– we can only see back as far as time itself, 13.8 billion years, which means we can see out as far as 13.8b light years
– since that time, it’s estimated that space has expanded to 45b light years

So when we look back as far as possible, what are we seeing? As space stretches in all directions, wouldn’t it take light emitted 13.8b years ago longer than 13.8b years to get to us, as now there’s more space to get to us?

Edit: I’m reading https://www.quora.com/How-is-it-possible-to-see-so-far-into-space

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