eli5 How do we see so far into space? Wouldn’t stars block each other in front of the “camera”?


I imagine it like looking at a a forest, you see the first couple trees very clear, and the farther you look into the forest you see less and less trees, because the view is blocked? So how can we see stars so far deep into space? Wouldn’t the stars block each others view?

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5 Answers

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There’s two effects going on.

First, one space is just…really…really empty. Like if the sun was the size of a single grain of sand the nearest star would be about *20 miles* away. With that density, the only limiting factor in how far we can see is the speed of light and the age of the universe. i.e. only light emitted 13.5 billion years ago can even reach us.

Second, there is something called gravitational lensing. Where a big object will bend light and allow us to see things behind them.

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