Eli5: How do whales or other heavy marine animals jump out of water?


Eli5: How do whales or other heavy marine animals jump out of water?

In: 19

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same way you do, swimming. They’re just a lot heavier, but also a lot more powerful then you. Good question though!

Anonymous 0 Comments

They swim up towards the surface of the water really fast, and then keep going. Their momentum carries them up into the air for a little bit, then they fall back down. Is there a specific part that you are confused about?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Buoyancy. Think about the difference from when you jump on land vs jumping when in the pool. When you’re in a pool you pretty much go from the bottom or the pool to the top without much effort. Don’t even need to jump or swim to go to the top. So its fairly easy for marine life to travel full speed upwards which gives them enough momentum to jump really high.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever cut up or eaten a whole fish? Other than a spine and a couple rows of tiny bones, their entire body is muscle. On both sides.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Momentum. They swim up vertically from deep below the surface and then their momentum carries them into the air even though they can’t generate any more thrust when they leave the water.

A whale that’s already coasting at the surface has no way of jumping out of the water; if that’s what you were trying to imagine. They start well below and “take a run at it” vertically.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just like you can jump far in land, get speed.

I bet you can jump farther in land than a whale.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Whales breach by launching themselves out of the water and then landing back with a splash. The exact reasons behind this behavior are not entirely understood, but there are several proposed theories. Some suggest that breaching might be a form of communication, a way to dislodge parasites, or to intimidate rivals. It could also be related to courtship rituals or simply a way for whales to play and have fun. The large size and powerful muscles of whales enable them to perform these impressive aerial maneuvers despite their weight.