eli5- How do Women not know they’re pregnant till months later?


To my knowledge women don’t have periods when they’re pregnant. How come some don’t find out they’re pregnant till several months into the pregnancy? My mother said she still had her periods for 5 months when she was pregnant with my sister. How is that possible?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The menstrual isn’t always regular. It can be delayed by anything from taking a medication to just straight up life stress. And if you’re stressed enough that it physically affects your body that much, you might not have time to realize how long it’s been since your last period. And as others have pointed out already, there can be bleeding for other reasons that aren’t due to a menstrual cycle that might be perceived as just period stuff.

Our bodies are complicated messes.

Edit add: And sexual education in many places is downright garbage, if you’re lucky enough to live in an area where it even exists at all.

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