eli5 How do you determine the sex of baby ducks?


How is this even possible when there are no exterior sex organs on ducks and they all make the same peeping type sound?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a few different ways:

-Feather color: Some breeds have different feather colors differentiating males and females

-Behavior/voice: Male ducks will produce a more distinct quack or vocalization compared to females, who oftentimes sound softer. Males oftentimes are more territorial and more assertive

-Tail feathers: as females and males turn a few months old, some breeds may have differences in their tail feathers. Males tend to have curled/elongated feathers, and females will have shorter and less pronounced ones

-Vent: Only performed by professionals, you can check the opening (where the waste comes out) to identify differences in the shape/size/distance

Anonymous 0 Comments

What I know from experience is that male ducks grow faster than female ducks and that’s how we identified them

Edit: also bigger feet for males