Eli5 How do you know if your allergic to X or ingredients in X that is said in tv commercials?


If you’ve never taken X how do you know you’re allergic? I don’t think many drug boxes list all the ingredients either. Such a stupid requirement to have to say that.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’ve never taken X, you can probably assume for the sake of argument that you’re not allergic to it unless you have some reason to believe otherwise (although it’s a good idea to mention whether you’ve had a particular thing before to your doctor). Usually in medicine you’re concerned about *known* allergies, since most people are not allergic to most things, although in rare cases you’re cautious with something new if it’s a common allergy or if someone is known to have lots of allergies to begin with.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can’t possibly know. Unless it’s a similar drug or a filler.

It’s one of those American legal requirements. Don’t say we didn’t warn you your head might burst.

Much like the cups that contain hot coffee that have to have “warning, contains hot coffee”.

It’s very much an American phenomenon.

Americans like to sue, and sadly have to pay for healthcare, so you get bizarre tv commercials advertising medicines, with smiling happy families barbecuing in slow motion while a long list of terrifying side effects is read out at high speed.

It was very jarring to start seeing this after moving here from Britain. Now I look forward to these ads as they make me laugh.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a perfect world it is meant as a conversation topic to have with your doctor. What it means is that in trials some people experienced allergic reactions to the drug (or includes an ingredient known to trigger allergic reactions in some people). Therefore if you have allergic reactions to certain types of things you’re meant to go to your doctor and mention you’re interested in “x” drug will that cause an allergic reaction in me?