Eli5: how do zippers work


i just dont get it

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The zipper itself is made of interlocking teeth – they just barely fit together, but you have to push them really hard.

The slider or zip is shaped like a Y inside – when two sides of the zipper go through it, they get pushed together into the bottom of the Y – this pushes them together and interlocks them, so that you get a nice, tight seal. When you pull the zip back down, they are pulled apart into the two branches of the Y, so they’re forced apart, and the zipper opens.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Picture a stack of coffee mugs all tied together by a rope through their handles. The distance from the top of one mug to the bottom of the other is a little less than the height of the mugs themselves. Now we take the rope and bend it back so the mugs are on the outside of the curve. This spaces the mugs out and gives us the space to slide a different strand of mugs between the other strand. Once the ropes are straightened out the two separate strands of mugs are firmly held together as if they were stacked.

A zipper works much the same way with the slider (the thing you move) behind the two strands of teeth away from each other and lining them up to be gently pushed together on the bottom end of the slider.