Just inherited a 1969 Porsche 912 from my father. I have a general understanding of fuel injection from my days drag racing my nitrous assisted ’86 300ZX but I have no clue how a carburated car works and online articles are beyond me. Need the 5yo explanation because right now, it’s basically dark magic.
In: 1
Smarter Every Day made a really good youtube video on it
The gist of it is the engine draws air in through the carburetor and it flows through a tube that gets more narrow. The narrow tube forces the air to speed up which lowers it’s pressure where you put a nozzle at called a jet that’s connected to a supply of fuel. The lower pressure air causes fuel to be drawn through the nozzle spraying it into a mist. The jet is sized appropriately so the amount of fuel drawn is enough to properly mix with the air to cause complete combustion of the fuel.
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