Eli5 how does a person with multiple personalities have a relationship with someone?


Do all the personalities like their partner? Does the partner like all the personalities? How does it work?

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8 Answers

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I have borderline personality disorder. I would t say I have different personality per say, but throughout the way I act and think changes, similarly to those with multiple personalities. I was in a relationship for 3 years. The way I saw and thought about my partner changed multiple times a day. So to answer your question no (in my experience). One minute I would love her so much but a few hours later everything they did would annoy me. I am fairly sure people with multiple personality would agree with this. Even when I felt like I hated. her deep down I knew she was my whole world. She struggled to deal with this and it definitely played a role in the break up. I would say that having a relationship with someone with multiple personality is extremely difficult and requires a a very strong and understanding partner.

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