Eli5 how does a person with multiple personalities have a relationship with someone?


Do all the personalities like their partner? Does the partner like all the personalities? How does it work?

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8 Answers

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When a person has multiple personalities, it means that they have different parts of themselves that act like different people. It’s like having many different friends living inside the same body.

When it comes to having a relationship, it can be different for each person with multiple personalities. Sometimes, different personalities may have different feelings about the partner. For example, one personality may really like the partner, while another personality may not like them as much.

Each personality is a part of the same person, so even if one personality doesn’t like the partner, it doesn’t mean that the whole person doesn’t like them.

In a relationship with someone who has multiple personalities, it’s important to get to know each personality and treat them as individuals. This means being patient, understanding, and accepting of each personality, just like you would with any other person.

It’s also important for the person with multiple personalities to communicate with their partner and let them know about their condition. This way, the partner can understand and support them better. Overall, having a relationship with someone with multiple personalities can be different, but with patience, understanding, and communication, it can still be a loving and fulfilling relationship.

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