Eli5 how does a photon not experience time when zooming toward point b? Wouldn’t other photons from point b passing it appear as time happening very quickly?


Eli5 how does a photon not experience time when zooming toward point b? Wouldn’t other photons from point b passing it appear as time happening very quickly?

In: 425

19 Answers

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u/Emyrssentry already explained the why, but I see you still asking some questions, so 2 things to keep in mind:

1. A photon isn’t sentient. It can’t sense anything. So no, it doesn’t sense time, it doesn’t sense other photons around it, it doesn’t sense anything

2. If you ignore 1, from the point of view of a photon, it comes into existence and then immediately goes out of existence. Whether that is the extremely small fractions of a second the photon took to travel from a light bulb to its destination to provide light, or that is millions of years traveling through space from a star that generated it to wherever it’s final destination is, from the point of view of a photon it is instantaneous and immediately ceases to exist.

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