eli5: how does a PS4 know when to update? 1.42K viewsMay 7, 2024OtherTechnology Question100.55K May 7, 2024 0 Comments when a company releases a new version of software, like a game or a ps4 or a phone, how does it know that it has to update? how does the company tell the PS4 that it has to update now, and how does it tell every PS4 this? In: Technology 11 Answers ActiveNewestOldest « Previous 1 2 Anonymous Posted May 7, 2024 0 Comments Hey hey hey, I am running on software version 56, is there a new one available? No, we are still using 56. Hey hey is it still 56? Yah still 56. Hey hey are we still using 56? Nah we started using 57, you should get it. Ok. « Previous 1 2 Register or Login
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