Eli5: How does a species ‘branch into two’


Such as chimpanzees branching into common chimpanzees and bonobos, as explained in this video

Presumably it’s not that some chimpanzees just suddenly started giving birth to bonobos overnight…?

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15 Answers

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I’ll give you a simple example. Say there’s a peninsula. A long strip of land coming off of a larger body of land. And there’s a big group of monkeys. Some of the monkeys from the group split off and go to the end of the peninsula, because they prefer the fruit that grows there, and they don’t have to compete with the monkeys back on the mainland for food. Then there’s a big ass earthquake, and the strip of land that connects the tip of the peninsula to the mainland gets washed away. Well now the monkeys from the peninsula live on an island. They’re stuck there. The monkeys on the mainland will call the control group. They stay mostly the same. But the monkeys on the island, they now have a different environment, with different pressures. First they’re going to have to start adjusting their diets, certain things available on the mainland aren’t available here. The monkeys on the mainland get most of their protein from eating termites, but the island doesn’t have as many termite mounds so the monkeys learn to start eating fish instead. Those who can’t adapt to eating fish die from malnutrition. A couple of generations past like that, and then a disease hits the island. The monkey’s on the mainland don’t have that disease, but half the monkeys on the island die out, the only ones that survive are the ones that can resist the disease most successfully. And 10 or 20 more generations past like that. Every generation has different pressures, different environmental changes that they have to adapt to. After about 50 generations, if you took the monkeys on the island, and tried to get them to breed with the monkeys on the mainland, they wouldn’t be able to produce an offspring. At all. After about 15 generations you could maybe get a mule offspring, a sterile crossbreed between the two. But after a full 50? They are now two different species. They are related, they have many similarities, but they cannot successfully reproduce if their populations are mixed.

Usually for this example I use corn, but you wanted to talk monkeys so there you go. Monkeys.

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