eli5: how does app data/memory/cacheing work on phones?


For example:

When someone goes on twitter and scrolls through lots of posts but doesn’t save anything, then leaves the app (but has it on in the background), does that device save/cache any of the data? Where does that data get saved? For how long is that data saved? How can cached data be removed?

what happens when the person

– closes the app (eg on an iphone, double taps home then swipes it away)?
– deletes then reinstalls the app?

In: 12

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All of your questions depend on what the app developer did. Most applications will have a cache. Whether or not the user is given any control over that cache depends on if the developer exposed those controls to the user or if the OS gives the user some lower level control over the app’s data.

What happens when you delete and reinstall and app depends on the OS. Modern versions of iOS give the user the option to keep or delete app data when removing an app. On something like Windows or Mac OS, a program could store data anywhere on the device (although there are generally standard places) and it may or may not be removed with the program depending on how the program is removed or uninstalled.

The data would be stored to the devices non-volatile storage. The same place things like photos taken with the camera are stored.

For example: Telegram for iOS give the user options to control the media cache policy including max size and retention period.

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