[ELI5] How does Apple iSuite avoid anti-competitive litigation?


My understanding is that Microsoft was sued for installing Internet Explorer alongside of Windows by default. It feels like all of Apple’s software installed alongside iOS would qualify for the same lawsuit. Why isn’t Apple sued for it?

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the first fundamental problem with your analogy is that Windows was judged to have an effective monopoly on desktop operating systems at the time. So the problem was that Microsoft was using their monopoly on desktop operating systems to give them an unfair advantage in browser programs.

Apple does not have anything approaching a monopoly on mobile phones. At best, Apple has a monopoly on Apple-based phones, which is kind of a weird thing to say in relation to any sort of judicial action.

That being said, there absolutely is investigation ongoing in several countries about anti-competetive activities from Apple and Google, being a duopoly, “trapping” people in their respective ecosystems, etc. Will any of that get anywhere? That remains to be seen.

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