Eli5 how does depressurization sickness occur?


Eli5 how does depressurization sickness occur?

In: 3

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you dive in deep water the increased pressure of the water forces more gas (oxygen/nitrogen) than normal to be dissolved in your blood. When you then depressurize (surface) too quickly, all of that excess gas rapidly comes out of solution (your blood) causing depressurization sickness aka the bends.

This is also why you shouldn’t fly on the same day you dive, too much pressure difference.

It’s not unlike opening a can of soda and letting all the gas out at once.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Depressurization sickness occurs when a person is exposed to a sudden decrease in air pressure. This causes a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the body, which can cause symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, nausea, and fatigue. If left untreated, depressurization sickness can become more severe and lead to unconsciousness or even death.