Eli5: How does DNS or DHCP works.


My isp or government has blocked access to porn sites but from the same wifi network when I change the dns to Google dns( all the blocked sites starts working.

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5 Answers

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so, computers work with IP addresses, like (for the older IP4 system), or 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334 (for the newer IP6 system).

Now, as you can see, those can be a *bitch* to type in correctly and check if you got right. So, we use something called “URLs” (Uniform Resource Locator), which is the “www . google. com” you type in.

DNS, the Domain Name Service, is the way we link the human readable URLs to the machine readable IP address. Your computer basically goes and asks a DNS service “who is [www.google.com](http://www.google.com)?” and that DNS sends back “they are ip address”, and then your computer now knows where to route your messages to.

So, what your ISP has done is set themselves up as the default DNS server for you, so they can check where your trying to get to, and block what they deem “unacceptable”. what you’ve done is bypass that “forcing” your computer to use a different DNS server, which doesn’t have those restrictions.

DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, is something mostly unrelated, its for automated assignment of an IP address from a set range without having to manually type it into the PC. basically they just ask a local server for a IP address and get told one they can use.

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