[ELI5] How does fat loss occur?


How does our body store fat? What is the most optimal way to shed said fat from the body and how is metabolism related to this?

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5 Answers

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Fat gain or loss is all about what is known as “fat flux”

If you burn more fat than you add, you lose fat mass. If you burn less fat than you add, you gain fat mass.

That seems simple, but there are two significant complications.

The first is that the fat you add is composed of both the fat and you eat and the excess carbs you eat that are converted to fat.

The second is that fat burning requires a situation where your insulin is low enough to allow fat burning.

If you are metabolically normal – insulin sensitive – then the body’s fat regulation system works pretty well.

If you are insulin resistant, you have elevated insulin all the time. That both makes it harder to burn fat – because elevated insulin tells the body to burn carbs instead of fat – and it keeps the glucose storage topped off, which means its more likely for glucose spikes to be stored as fat.

That’s why most people who have extra weight are insulin resistant and find it hard to lose weight.

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