[ELI5] How does fat loss occur?


How does our body store fat? What is the most optimal way to shed said fat from the body and how is metabolism related to this?

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5 Answers

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Metabolism refers to your body doing things, essentially just being alive.

Fat is high in energy, and very stable. Our bodies store fat as an energy source to power body functions, aka being alive/metabolic processes.

Fat is stored in body cells, called adipose cells, and can be processed, or *metabolized*, to release energy. Many foods we eat contain fat or carbohydrates. These are broken down for energy, and if not soon used our bodies reform them into fat for later use.

If our bodies don’t get enough energy from the food we eat our bodies will use fat instead.

In general, losing and gaining fat is mostly due to what we eat. The amount of energy we use in a day doesn’t change much. Most normal workouts only use up a few hundred calories, which would be the equivalent to a few servings of sweet drinks, snacks, or side dishes. Most people find it much easier to just drink 2 less sodas, eat 5 less cookies, or 1 less serving of fries than run 3 miles. This is not to say you shouldn’t exercise! Exercise is great for overall health, but it isn’t the biggest factor in losing fat. Reducing caloric intake is.

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