Eli5: How does Google ‘listen’ to you? Is there actually a program running in the background on your phone that records your voice and sends it to google?


Eli5: How does Google ‘listen’ to you? Is there actually a program running in the background on your phone that records your voice and sends it to google?

In: 2057

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You give Google access to you microphone when you agree to terms if service. Also give access to everything else photos, videos.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just think, on any device that is voice activated (“hey siri” “hey google” alexa, etc.) how do you think they know when to activate? They are constantly listening all the time, waiting to hear that phrase.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Interestingly, the lions share of blocked network traffic on my dns sink is Alexa trying to phone home. Makes a call to some Amazon dns roughly every 30 sec 24 hrs a day.