Eli5: How does gravity affect time, dumb it down for me as much as possible


Eli5: How does gravity affect time, dumb it down for me as much as possible

In: 286

37 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another way to think about it. Gravity does not actually wield a power over time. Gravity doesn’t affect time in that manner. Gravity and time are affected in different ways by the same thing. As Einstein said a couple different ways, they relate. The bigger the thing, the more affect. Bigger objects (technically mass-ier. Bigger in this sense supposes similar composition. There are stars smaller than earth with exponentially more mass stuffed inside, but that’s not pertinent.) create a lensing effect.

If you’ve ever used a flash light that costs more than a couple dollars, it likely had an adjustable beam. You twist or move up/down the lens end and the beam gets wider or more narrow. That’s the light refracting through a curved lens. Light shown through a flat pane like your window has no (very little) change to its path, but the curved lens (like a straw in a glass of water) alters the path. Gravity bends space like a lens bends light and splits your straw in two.

Think about that flat window pane but its not rigid glass. It’s a pane of stretchy rubber balloon-like material. Now sit a planet on that stretchy material. What happens? It sinks. It pulls that rubber into a kind of cone shape (viewed from the side) and an ever smaller hole in the middle (viewed from the top). That well created by the heavy object is a material depiction of what gravity does to space and it’s related time.

Now, the part that un-busts your brain, hopefully. When you’re being silly with a friend or stranger or whatever and you say something “something”. They don’t hear and you repeat, but slower “soooommmeeettthiiiinnnngggg”. That’s the same word- same syllables simply stretched out, taking more time.

Now, take away the words with friends and picture the word “time” written on that rubber in black marker. When you sit a planet on your rubber pane, that black “time” is now little more than black lines stretched so far the word is no longer legible.

That black marker “time” is relative time. That rubber is space itself. The planet sitting on it is gravity. The super stretched word is the answer to your question. Gravity, generated by mass, pulls on space. Time is something humans made up and wrote across the flat plane as a measuring device. When we see more gravity (mass heavy objects) we see more stretching of that word. Time becomes ttttiiiiiiiimmmmmmeeeeeee, which is clearly longer. 😀

Anonymous 0 Comments

I can’t comprehend the stretched out rubber sheet in our 3d world and how a ball with mass bends those dheet. Is there a animated video showing this phenomenon in 3d ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, space and time are tied together to describe where we are in existance. But space and time is distorted and we see that distortion as gravity. ELI5 coming up now:

Imagine there are two ants that are super near sighted and cannot make out what they’re standing on. They’re standing side by side and facing the same direction.

If they’re on a flat table top and start walking, then they’ll stay right next to each other. This is because a parallel lines on a flat surface do not cross.

If they’re on a beach ball and start walking, then they’ll eventually get closer to each other until they bump into each other. They’re super nearsighted so they might think that something is pushing them together and call this mysterious thing a “force” called “gravity”. In actuality, they’re not being pushed towards each other, but their paths come together due to the true curvature of their world (the beach ball). For example, longitudinal lines on a globe cross at the north and south poles because the true shape of the Earth is curved even though it may look flat to us on the surface.

Gravity is not a force, but evidence that the true shape of the world is not flat.

If they’re on a ping-pong ball and start walking, then they will run into each other more quickly. They’re super nearsighted so they might think that the force of gravity is stronger here. But in actually, the world is just more curved.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Time is the consequence of gravity. Time does not exist without gravity as gravity is the fabric of our universe.

Anonymous 0 Comments

These videos can explain it much better than i ever could through text. Complex topics like these need to be explained visually.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Q: *How does gravity affect time?*

A: Relatively, of course

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of time like a river flowing from one place, the past, to another, the future. It doesn’t bend, it’s just straight and the same depth all along. The water, or time, will flow at the same rate all along, right? Now, assume all of a sudden the river gets a lot deeper and wider. The same amount of water is entering, but it slows down at that spot because there’s a lot more space to fill. That’s a spot of extreme gravity. The same “amount’ of time is there, but it is being slowed down and held back.