It cannot be used (or at least makes no sense to be used) on a non electric motor powered automobile. Basically a KERS system uses the motor drive unit (that is connected to the wheels through the drive shaft) as a generator. Doing this basically puts a load on the drive shaft slowing the car down while generating electrical energy that is stored in the battery.
Nearly all EV or EV hybrids do this because all the major elements needed are already there. (drive motor, battery etc)
A fully engine driven car has an alternator that charges the small 12V battery but that is so small that it could not provide any significant braking power so it is simply used 100% the time and bleeds power off the engine. Remember that there is no free lunch in engineering – if a generator can recover hundreds of kilowatts of energy (as it must during braking) it must also be relatively large and heavy.
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