Eli5- How does light pollution work?


I don’t know.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Answer: light pollution is what we call it when non-natural light sources make it harder to see other, natural things – as well as affecting other animals etc. If you stand on a hill in the middle of nowhere at night and look up, you’ll see a clear view of the stars and planets. However if you did the same in a town centre, the lights from street lamps, buildings, signs etc would be overwhelming your eyes and make it impossible to see anything else.

The effect on other animals is also important, as brightly lit places at night interrupt their natural cycles and cause confusion. This could be disruption to feeding and breeding cycles, as well as confusing their ability to navigate

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here is a half arsed example from what I can think of a lightSource like the sun the sun shines berms down on stuff that stuff have different colour pigments them colour pigments shines light in to your eyes so you can receive colour in to your eyes