Eli5 , how does light travel in waves , like do photons travel in a wave like patter ?



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2 Answers

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The answer is kinda in the question: is light a wave, or a particle? The answer, given those limits, is that it moves like a wave but acts like a particle when it hits something.

Newton said light is a wave, since you can make it reflect (like a wave) and refract (like a wave).

Einstein got his Nobel not for relativity but for proving that a photon (a particle of light) can “supercharge” an electron in what he called the photoelectric effect.


Imagine you’re the first astronaut on a distant planet. Everywhere you go there are ducks and beavers, except when you come to a small island in the middle of the ocean and you find a platypus. Is it a duck? Is it a beaver? You can’t answer, because it’s neither of them. It’s a new concept, a platypus, which seems to be part duck and part beaver but is actually something else.

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