Eli5: How does military exercise or war game works?


How can it prepare you for a battle or to defend from an enemy if you already know it’s coming and the fear of losing life is non existent?

In: 4

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When i was in the Finnish military for my mandatory service. It was taught to us like repetition. So when you can do something when you’re a sleep from top of your head you can do it under heavy stress. So training is just for repetition to make you do things automatically.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When i was in the Finnish military for my mandatory service. It was taught to us like repetition. So when you can do something when you’re a sleep from top of your head you can do it under heavy stress. So training is just for repetition to make you do things automatically.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a realistic scenario you would expect an attack to come. At least that there is a chance of the attack coming. Of course there are different types of military exercises. But a lot of them take place over a longer period of time and the enemy can attack at any point. A good strategy for the exercise is to avoid attacking at the start of the exercise to allow the defenders to settle into their positions a bit. The exercises also tend to include multiple potential attack vectors, either multiple objects being protected or that the attacks can come from multiple angles. The defenders will therefore not know if their position will be attacked at all. Again a common tactic is to initiate an attack on one vector hoping the defenders will redeploy to this area only to have the main attack come in at another vector. The defenders do not know which is which.

As for the fear of life this is somewhat of an issue. Obviously you can not go around killing people for military exercises. But you can make them lose face. The exercises will have referees who will look at an engagement and tell you the outcome. The exercises is more about movements, tactics and logistics rather then shooting skills. So you can let the soldiers fire a few blanks at each other and then go tell them who won. If a referee is not present the soldiers and commanders will do a fair assesment of the engagement for themselves. Getting “killed” in such a way is a bit of an embaresment that you want to avoid and the next time you will do better.

That being said you want soldiers to be fearless in battle and sacrifice everything for a victory, even their own lives. In fact soldiers tend to be more motivated by war then by exercises. So the problem is not that solders do not fear death in an exercise but that they fear having to go through all the pain of battle without actually winning anything important. Are you willing to march for days in heavy rain and mud carrying heavy gear and eating cold meals only for a general to tell your batallion you did a good job? Are you willing to go thorugh all that in order to defend your country from foreign invaders even though it means you might be killed at the end of it?

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a realistic scenario you would expect an attack to come. At least that there is a chance of the attack coming. Of course there are different types of military exercises. But a lot of them take place over a longer period of time and the enemy can attack at any point. A good strategy for the exercise is to avoid attacking at the start of the exercise to allow the defenders to settle into their positions a bit. The exercises also tend to include multiple potential attack vectors, either multiple objects being protected or that the attacks can come from multiple angles. The defenders will therefore not know if their position will be attacked at all. Again a common tactic is to initiate an attack on one vector hoping the defenders will redeploy to this area only to have the main attack come in at another vector. The defenders do not know which is which.

As for the fear of life this is somewhat of an issue. Obviously you can not go around killing people for military exercises. But you can make them lose face. The exercises will have referees who will look at an engagement and tell you the outcome. The exercises is more about movements, tactics and logistics rather then shooting skills. So you can let the soldiers fire a few blanks at each other and then go tell them who won. If a referee is not present the soldiers and commanders will do a fair assesment of the engagement for themselves. Getting “killed” in such a way is a bit of an embaresment that you want to avoid and the next time you will do better.

That being said you want soldiers to be fearless in battle and sacrifice everything for a victory, even their own lives. In fact soldiers tend to be more motivated by war then by exercises. So the problem is not that solders do not fear death in an exercise but that they fear having to go through all the pain of battle without actually winning anything important. Are you willing to march for days in heavy rain and mud carrying heavy gear and eating cold meals only for a general to tell your batallion you did a good job? Are you willing to go thorugh all that in order to defend your country from foreign invaders even though it means you might be killed at the end of it?

Anonymous 0 Comments

When i was in the Finnish military for my mandatory service. It was taught to us like repetition. So when you can do something when you’re a sleep from top of your head you can do it under heavy stress. So training is just for repetition to make you do things automatically.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a training exercise and it works the exact same way all training for anything works.

* Studying doesn’t have the same stress as an actual exam, but it still works
* Training for a sport isn’t the same as being in an actual match, but it still works to learn the strategy and teamwork etc.
* …

Military exercises are the same.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a training exercise and it works the exact same way all training for anything works.

* Studying doesn’t have the same stress as an actual exam, but it still works
* Training for a sport isn’t the same as being in an actual match, but it still works to learn the strategy and teamwork etc.
* …

Military exercises are the same.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a realistic scenario you would expect an attack to come. At least that there is a chance of the attack coming. Of course there are different types of military exercises. But a lot of them take place over a longer period of time and the enemy can attack at any point. A good strategy for the exercise is to avoid attacking at the start of the exercise to allow the defenders to settle into their positions a bit. The exercises also tend to include multiple potential attack vectors, either multiple objects being protected or that the attacks can come from multiple angles. The defenders will therefore not know if their position will be attacked at all. Again a common tactic is to initiate an attack on one vector hoping the defenders will redeploy to this area only to have the main attack come in at another vector. The defenders do not know which is which.

As for the fear of life this is somewhat of an issue. Obviously you can not go around killing people for military exercises. But you can make them lose face. The exercises will have referees who will look at an engagement and tell you the outcome. The exercises is more about movements, tactics and logistics rather then shooting skills. So you can let the soldiers fire a few blanks at each other and then go tell them who won. If a referee is not present the soldiers and commanders will do a fair assesment of the engagement for themselves. Getting “killed” in such a way is a bit of an embaresment that you want to avoid and the next time you will do better.

That being said you want soldiers to be fearless in battle and sacrifice everything for a victory, even their own lives. In fact soldiers tend to be more motivated by war then by exercises. So the problem is not that solders do not fear death in an exercise but that they fear having to go through all the pain of battle without actually winning anything important. Are you willing to march for days in heavy rain and mud carrying heavy gear and eating cold meals only for a general to tell your batallion you did a good job? Are you willing to go thorugh all that in order to defend your country from foreign invaders even though it means you might be killed at the end of it?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a training exercise and it works the exact same way all training for anything works.

* Studying doesn’t have the same stress as an actual exam, but it still works
* Training for a sport isn’t the same as being in an actual match, but it still works to learn the strategy and teamwork etc.
* …

Military exercises are the same.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not sure if I understand your question correctly.
Do you want to know why training (for anything) works?
That’s pretty easy. Simple example: Weapons.
Training how to use them means you can use them in a real battle/war.
That gives you a really good advantage compared to not being able to use a gun.