Eli5: How does nausea work? Is it purely physical or is it a psychological thing?



In: 86

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In short it can be caused by both physical or psychological stimuli.

Nausea itself is caused by the interactions between the gastrointestinal tract, including its enteric nervous system, the CNS, and the autonomic nervous system. Central and peripheral anatomical sites involved in nausea and vomiting induced by various stimuli like stress, food poisoning, etc

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s both but not equally the same for each person. While a smell or motion might cause nausea for someone, another could be entirely familiar and “immune”. An example is a rollercoaster. Most can tolerate a ride that flips them upside down (vertical). Fewer tend to tolerate spinning (horizontal) over and over. When it comes to smell or taste, I believe tolerance has a lot to do with it. Something as simple as changing a child’s diaper can result in dry heaving or flat out vomit. “Psyching yourself out” can turn a level 1 nothing into a level 10 panic induced nauseous nightmare.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So basically your digestive tract and brain have a little chat in certain situations and decide, nope, throw up now, but you’re conscious enough to stop yourself from doing so

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m also pretty sure there is also an empathetic response too. Ie you see someone get sick and it makes you sick. Ol lizard brain keeping you from eating something that made someone else sick.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Love how my brain and stomach have such great communication skills. “Nope, not today, nausea.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re having nausea this often, just smoke legal weed. Unless you’re in a state that still has prohibition :/