Eli5: How does pie have so many digits? Why was it created? What other use does it serve?


Like, it’s just a number why is it SO specific? Other than circles I can’t think of a use that pie has. Why would we create something that only has one use (that I know of) that is almost always simplified?

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10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pi has many uses other than finding the circumference of a circle.


Anonymous 0 Comments

It wasn’t created. It was discovered and identified as an estimated metric of a given property. Specifically a representative formula of the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. While it is considered a constant, the seeming infinite digits in its representation are an approximation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know, but this guy Daniel T. memories Pi to 22,500 decimal places. He is a savant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pi is the ratio between every circle’s circumference and its diameter. It wasn’t created, it’s just a mathematical constant that exists.

It actually tends to pop up in many different places in math – anything that has to do with circles or cycles for example. Also circles are pretty common in math and physics.

The reason it has “so many digits” is because it’s irrational. Irrational numbers are numbers that can’t be expressed as a division of two integers. This isn’t a rare thing – there are many other irrational numbers, such as the square roots of 2, 3, 5, and others. In fact, there are more irrational numbers than rational numbers! Being irrational is one of Pi’s *least* interesting properties.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pi wasn’t created but is instead a mathematical constant that was *discovered*.

Pi has an enormous number of uses in mathematics and sciences, including:

* Geometry and trigonometry: the formulae for ellipses, spheres, cones, and tori
* Units of angle: the calculation of angle units measured in radians are based on pi
* Linear algebra: Eigenvalues
* Statistics and probability: Gaussian integrals
* Inequalities
* Topology and differential geometry
* Fourier series

Pi even shows up in truly fundamental knowledge about the deep nature of the universe, such as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is a core principle of quantum mechanics.

Finally, pi appears in what is probably the most beautiful equation of all time: The Euler identity.

e^*i**π* + 1 = 0

in which

* e is Euler’s number, the base of natural logarithms
* *i* is the imaginary unit, which by definition satisfies *i*^2 = −1
* *π* is pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
* 1 is the multiplicative identity
* 0 is the additive identity

This single equation is remarkable in that it is so exceedingly simple and yet that it connects such separate and powerful concepts in mathematics. Each of its five parts is a fundamental concept all in itself, so the longer you study it, the more majestic it becomes.

Edit: Fixed an exponent

Anonymous 0 Comments

I mean, if a pie is really good then of course everyone wants a digit or two in there. Especially if it’s blueberry. This is where the expression “to have a finger in the pie” comes from.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It wasn’t created, more like found. Likely first by whomever needed to know how long rope or such to go around a round thing of some size. First people likely thought it to be just 3 and a bit. The more accurate the need went, the more digit came in. For example building mechanical clocks you need to know very exactly how wheels of different sizes move eachothers, so you need very many digits of pi. It actually has infinite amount of digits, but proving that is beyond my explanation skills.
It is needed practically in every calculation that has anything round, rotating or something to do with angles sooner or later.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well pi itself inherently has something to do with a circle. But circles show up all the time.

Circular motion is quite common and more intricate periodic motions or in general a periodic function can be chopped up into functions that would describe circular motion for example.

Or any system that has some circular or spherical symmetry. Those are common.

In cases like these pi will show up. Take sin and cos for example. They are derived from circles originally. And later on you can figure out how they can be derived from the exponential function. The exp function is something that tends to show up everywhere because of its special properties.

exp is more or less everywhere and circle things are part of exp and when we are talking circles pi shows up.

So yes pi is technically the circle constant but you are underestimating how fundamental circles are, or better yet how special the exponential function is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pi is discovered. It’s just the ratio of the circumference by it’s diameter. It takes 3 diameter and a little more to complete the circle. The little more is .14……

A quick video if you need to see it

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pi is the ratio between a circle’s radius and it’s circumference. That means that it can be used to describe waves and other periodic behaviours. Anything that happens with a frequency can be described with Pi, so that’s sound and light and lots of places in control systems.