eli5 How does projectors projects black in a bright room?


I am in psychology class, the light’s are on and I clearly see this black squares on white background. How is this possible? https://www.instructables.com/Optical-Illusion-Black-Squares-and-Gray-Dots/

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5 Answers

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Weirdly enough, there’s another optical illusion, [the checker shadow illusion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checker_shadow_illusion), that might help you visualize what’s going on. In the image on that page, the dark checkers outside of the cylinder’s shadow are exactly the same shade of grey as the light checkers inside the shadow. Despite that, your brain’s visual centres are making your perceive all of the dark checkers to be the same shade and all of the light checkers to be the same shade, compensating for the shadow’s effect.

That’s the same thing you’re experiencing on the projector screen. The projector isn’t projecting black. It’s just not projecting anything in those spots. Your brain is then filling in the blanks, making you “see” the squares as being black, relative to the illuminated region.

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