Eli5: How does pulling a chord fill certain parachutes with air?


Eli5: How does pulling a chord fill certain parachutes with air?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most parachutes are opened by throwing out a small parachute called a pilot chute. The pilot pulls on a bridle, which pulls out a deployment bag containing the big parachute. A system makes sure the parachute lines stretch out without getting tangled, and finally the bag opens, releasing the parachute fabric. It is packed such that when it catches air, it gradually inflates.

Reserve parachutes usually have a spring-loaded pilot chute, which is released by a cord connected to the reserve handle. A pin keeps the spring tensioned, much like the pin in a mouse trap. When released, the spring throws the pilot out, so you don’t have to, which is useful in an emergency. It’s a pain to pack a spring-loaded pilot, so most skydivers nowadays prefer the throw-out type for everyday use.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The ripcord let’s the parachute release which then fills with surrounding air while you’re falling.