eli5 How does Queen Ants get so big? Do they just live longer? Is it that royalty bloodline? She just eat a lot more?


eli5 How does Queen Ants get so big? Do they just live longer? Is it that royalty bloodline? She just eat a lot more?

In: 5586

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

How does?Jesus wept.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If this is in reference to the video that someone posted yesterday that showed a queen and that appeared to be the size of a small rat, then I believe that the video was misleading, as the zoom and perspective made it look to be much larger than it actually was.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Did you also see the video of that gigantic ant that was trending on Reddit yesterday?

Anonymous 0 Comments

The post I got right above yours on the Home Screen is from r/insects showing how big queen ants can get