Eli5 How does radiation therapy actually work? Like how doesnt it break down more of the body and make the cancer worse or something like that? And does it target only cancer area or everything?


Eli5 How does radiation therapy actually work? Like how doesnt it break down more of the body and make the cancer worse or something like that? And does it target only cancer area or everything?

In: 630

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A friend of mine got cancer in his tongue and had to do radiation after the surgery. He had to use a special toothpaste for the rest of his life because of the increased risk of tooth decay.

More on that: http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/books/oral-dental-care/how-will-radiation-affect-my-teeth

Unfortunately it still spread to his lymph nodes in his neck and took him after 4 years.

Miss you, Chris.

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