Eli5: How does radioactivity kill/mutate the body?


Apologies if the tag is wrong!

From what I understand, the radiation doesn’t do squat untill it’s ionized. The way it was explained to me is that the Radiation is the knife, while the ionization is the hand weilding the knife.

So how does it affect the body? I know it does something to our DNA but what does it do specifically?

Bonus Question: What did scifi writers assume Gamma Ray’s would do to Bruce Banner to make him the Hulk, as opposed to what it does IRL and just… kill you.

In: 63

21 Answers

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Lot of smart answers here but I will attempt an actual ELI5 version.

Irradiated atoms are crazy and are going nuts all over the place. They are going crazy enough and are small enough with enough power to blast away portions of your DNA.

The DNA recipe still gets put into the oven and makes whatever it was trying to make but its like baking a cake without one of the ingredients so it comes out wrong aka cancer/mutation.

Imagine something that is radioactive as shooting bullets that can hit your DNA in every direction.

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