Eli5: How does relapsing while withdrawling work?


I was talking to my friend about this but neither of us could find anything on google. Let’s say someone is three days into kratom or opioid withdrawal and decides to take one dose. Obviously it will eliminate the symptoms but would the withdrawl “reset”? Will it prolong the withdrawal symptoms?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’d have to start over, pretty much.

Mentally it will likely be more difficult, since you already ‘failed’ once. Physically it wouldn’t really make a difference. Your body would still be dependent on the drug.

A better way would be to systematically lower the dosage and frequency of your drug binges until your taking almost nothing, and then stopping completely. One 3-day period of soberness won’t accomplish anything, but taking less and less each day for a few weeks usually will.

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