eli5: How does siri hear me say “hey siri” if it isn’t constantly listening to my conversations or me speaking?


eli5: How does siri hear me say “hey siri” if it isn’t constantly listening to my conversations or me speaking?

In: 17336

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lets try a more ELI5 attempt.

Imagine you are sleeping and the only thing that can wake you up is your alarm clock. There might be people in the same room talking. You hear them but you don’t wake up and your brain does not register what they are saying.

Then, suddenly your alarm rings. You wake up and now, despite the fact the other people talk just like they did before you can hear them and know what they are talking about.

Siri works on a similar principle. It has 2 cores: a small specialised one that acts like an alarm clock and a more complex one that can actually “understand” you. The alarm clock doesn’t understand anything except “hey siri” at which point it rings the alarm and wakes up the complex core.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It has 2 ways to listen.

One is a low power mode, this mode “hears” everything you say of course, but it only understands “hey siri”. Once “hey siri” is triggered the second listening mode is activated which uses a lot more cpu and power to use and transmit the data.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It has 2 ways to listen.

One is a low power mode, this mode “hears” everything you say of course, but it only understands “hey siri”. Once “hey siri” is triggered the second listening mode is activated which uses a lot more cpu and power to use and transmit the data.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the disconnect is when people say listening they actually mean two separate processes, there’s hearing the sounds and then theirs recording and storing what is said. The analogy is like sleeping, when ur fast asleep you are still listening, we know this cus if I call ur name loud enough you will probably wake up. But that doesn’t mean when ur fast alseep u can remember what is being said, cus ur listening without storing the information. Same thing with Siri it’s listening constantly but doesn’t wake up and record what you have said until you say hey siri.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the disconnect is when people say listening they actually mean two separate processes, there’s hearing the sounds and then theirs recording and storing what is said. The analogy is like sleeping, when ur fast asleep you are still listening, we know this cus if I call ur name loud enough you will probably wake up. But that doesn’t mean when ur fast alseep u can remember what is being said, cus ur listening without storing the information. Same thing with Siri it’s listening constantly but doesn’t wake up and record what you have said until you say hey siri.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Better question why does Siri randomly go “Uh huh?” or “I’m not sure, here’s a search result?” in the middle of the night? That’s the real question.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They have a program specifically listening for those two words specifically, designed to use as little power as possible while listening. It just needs to be able to tell the phone “I HEARD THE WORDS!” when you say it, and keep quiet and use as little power as possible the rest of the time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They have a program specifically listening for those two words specifically, designed to use as little power as possible while listening. It just needs to be able to tell the phone “I HEARD THE WORDS!” when you say it, and keep quiet and use as little power as possible the rest of the time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Better question why does Siri randomly go “Uh huh?” or “I’m not sure, here’s a search result?” in the middle of the night? That’s the real question.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Better question why does Siri randomly go “Uh huh?” or “I’m not sure, here’s a search result?” in the middle of the night? That’s the real question.